So you've found your way to my ridiculously outdated corner of the web!

If you're here looking for professional / academic information et al, well sorry to disappoint you, there's nothing terribly useful here. =P Just a whole lot of outdated randomness and a few articles of personal interest.

For the latest bits of writing, head to the blog. For the recent interesting bits from around the web, head to the scrapbook. And here's the gallery for the latest photos.

This place has been around since 1992. It's basically a childhood toy, and I have neither the heart nor the time to change the face of it. Oh well. I'm not maintaining it altogether that well. 

Oh, by the way I'm currently looking for anyone interested in practising the harp together over video call [thanks Corona], or the Greek language, or the Polish language. Or anyone who'd like to take up teaching me Korean. =)



 - Lothlorien :  Gallery

 - Oes : Recent items of interest around the w3

 - Blog / Blog : [Same content, different looks, long story..]

 - Oubliette : Cloud

 - Verse : Scrapbook

 - Araris : Bookshelf

 - Melange : Music library

 - Ixian : Feed / news aggregator

 - A : OpenID server